Tiara Subandrio

She is 17 years old and is in her last year (Year13) of high school at Onslow College, Wellington, New Zealand. When she was in nursery, her mom got her into traditional Indonesian dances and she liked it straight away.

Outside of school, she takes hip hop dance classes at Pump Dance Studios in Wellington and have a crew along with the other girls in class. Her crew and herself competes in various competitions such as FISAF Nationals, Les Mills Hiphop Competition and perform in the International Dance Day, Parties and Functions as well as produce an end of year/term Productions.

She joined Pelangi Nusantara dance in 2008. She enjoys dancing for Pelangi Nusantara, because of the fellow dancers that keeps it fun and enjoyable as well as the coach, Mba Nina Liando, she is awesome and so lovely to all dancers and everyone else which makes practice very easy.

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